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Stefano Milanesi’s wines

Quality and tradition of Stefano Milanesi’s wine cellar

This territory has always been suited for the vine. The ancient Romans already produced wines and in Santa Giuletta there were patrician villas with wine cellars.

Probably in the middle of the 14th century a man, following Ludovico il Moro, settled down these hills and he was called “Il Milanesio” (the man who comes from Milan) and later became Milanese. As early as the 1700s a family with this surname produced in Castello, near Santa Giuletta, excellent red wine and fragrant sweet wine from aromatic white grapes.

In the middle of that century they change their surname in Milanesi: from that moment, the laborious arte of wine begun to be transmit. Since then, from father to son for 12 generations, the art of growing vines and making good wine has been handed down.

Exclusively organic wines

The use of weedkiller and fertilizers has always been avoided in full respect of nature. No clarifying, bleaching or stabilizing products are used to “correct” and preserve the wine.

The choice of grapes, as well as the vintage, always characterize Stefano Milanesi’s wines. His wine is always the purest expression of the beautiful territory it comes from.

Taste the wines of Stefano Milanesi at 700 Enolocanda

Opening days

Days and times are arranged directly with our guests, according to their specific needs.

Book your visit to the cellar online

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Book your visit to the cellar by phone

Phone number:
0383 899137