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700 Enolocanda

Welcome to Ustè’s house.
Your home in the middle of Oltrepò Pavese

We are in Santa Giulietta, in the ancient Postumia street, a territory that is set half on the plain and half on the hill, a central position, in the middle of the hilly Oltrepò triangle.

Between Broni and Casteggio, 20 km from Piedmont, 20 km from Emilia Romagna and 50 km from Liguria. Oltrepò land is a magical and sacred land to be loved and discovered.

Oltrepò land is a magical and sacred land to be loved and discovered. On sunny days it is possible to admire Milan skyline, Monte Rosa and the Alps up until Brescia and Moviso, going to the west side.

Our Story

700 Enolocanda shares a quite place to live where values like family, culture and history survive to the passing of time.

In this place, in 2017 Milanese family decided to start Enolocanda project, ended in September 2018. The idea comes from the will to create an enjoyable place where eat good, sleep well, a place to feel like home.

The story of this territory is very ancient. In the near city of Casteggio, a grapevine fossil was found. It goes back to the Roman period and it shows that viticulture was already born. This passion for wine and for the ground has been passed down till this actual twelfth generation.

The tradition

The place preserves the signs of the past activities

There is a stable, the livestock, and the animals of the courtyard. 700 Enolocanda shares a quite place to live where values like family, culture and history survive to the passing of time.

Good wine and delicious food will take your desire and expectations over your imagination.

Are you ready to live an extraordinary experience in the Oltrepò Pavese?

Would you like to stay in 700 Enolocanda?

Would you like to have lunch or dinner at our restaurant?

Would you like to have a tasting of our organic wines?